O acidente de viação resultou no atropelamento dos três peões, apurou o E24.
O incidente ocorreu na freguesia de Feitosa.
O condutor de uma viatura ligeira perdeu o controlo da viatura, atingindo os três peões que aparentemente se dirigiam para Santiago. Dois dos pedestres foram projetados para em um barranco de cerca de cinco metros de altura.
Os Bombeiros Voluntários de Ponte de Lima, com apoio diferenciado do INEM, através do SIV de Ponte de Lima, prestaram assistência às vítimas. Segundo Carlos Lima, comandante da BVPL, houve “dois feridos leves e um ferido grave”.
O incidente foi comunicado à GNR às 09h07, tendo todas as vítimas, mulheres peregrinas, sido transportadas para o Hospital de Viana do Castelo.
A GNR registou o acidente.
Tragically, this morning in the municipality of Ponte de Lima, a car accident resulted in the three pedestrians being hit, as reported by this newspaper. The incident occurred in the Feitosa parish, and the driver of a light vehicle lost control of the car, hitting the three pedestrians who were apparently on their way to Santiago. Two of the pedestrians were thrown into a ravine about five meters deep.
The Ponte de Lima Volunteer Firefighters, with differentiated support from INEM, through the SIV of Ponte de Lima, assisted the victims. According to Carlos Lima, the commander of BVPL, there were “two minor injuries and one serious injury.”
The incident was reported to the GNR at 09:07, and all the victims, who were female pilgrims, were taken to Viana do Castelo Hospital. Carlos Lima also noted that this location was not a common route for pilgrims.